
Certificate Transfer fees: $20.00 for current Shareholder, $50.00 for New Shareholders.

Each share of stock represents .3 acre feet of water.

We require that 33 % of water used for Wells remains in ditch it originated from.

All homes will have a minimum of five (5) shares (1 acre feet for home, .5 acre feet remains in ditch from which it was taken) of Beaver and Shingle Creek water for homes plus a little outside irrigation.

Shareholders are responsible for contacting Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company with a change of address or phone. Failure to do so can result in the sale of stock to cover delinquent assessments.

No pumping from any stream, creek, ditch or water way without State Water Right to do so. Beaver and Shingle Creek will not sign off on any further pumping rights in their distribution area.

Land owners must file a change application to name themselves as current Water Rights owner, having a water right in a previous owners name could cause Water Right to lapse, or shares to be sold.

Each home must have a current Water Right and water shares associated with their property to drill a Well, hook on to an existing Well, hook onto a spring, or hook on to an existing pipeline. All Well owners and anyone hooked onto a Well must maintain their assessment and water shares to be current or they will lose their right to use Well.

No diversions, dams, rock dams, ponds, what so ever will be placed in Beaver/Shingle Creek or any of it’s byways without the written permission of Beaver/Shingle Creek Irrigation Company.

Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company is a co-application on all water rights in their distribution area. Therefore, they co-sign all change applications and Proofs brought before them. They require time to review each item brought before them to make sure that all information is current and correct.

Wells are assessed $25.00 per year, due in April. This is a charge issued to us from the state which we pass on to you plus a minimum assessment of $10.00 for less than 100 shares, total of $35.00.

We assess all Stockholders yearly in April for two reasons, to keep track of all the shareholders in our company and to pay for office expenses. We have over 580 shareholders and we have a hard time keeping our records current, the minimum assessment is $10.00 for less than 100 shares, those over a 100 are assessed at .10 a share over 100 shares.

Any late assessments will be assessed a $20.00 late fee so secretary can call, email and contact shareholder to collect yearly assessment. If secretary can not collect assessment then Shareholders shares will be sold at auction, Amended By-Laws, Article X11 Shares Assessments; Fees and Charges; Collection.