
Notice of Rise in Assessment:

  • Due to expiration of our leased water contract, Beaver Shingle Creek has increased assessments to support operation of Company. We are working on a new contract, but it has not been finalized at the time of this update.
  • $50.00 minimum, over 50 shares, $1.00 a share, $25.00 per change allication for wells.

Increase in Shares required for Well!

At the August 13, 2018 Beaver Shingle Creek Irrigation Company monthly Board meeting, the Board made and approved a motion to change the minimum number of shares required for water wells.

Currently the minimum number has been 4 shares of Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company stock, which provided three (3) shares, .9 acre feet total or .45 acre feet for Domestic use and .45 acre feet for irrigation (other options available such as stock, etc. depending on individual’s need. One (1) share, (.3) acre feet or 25% stays within ditch in which the shares originated from.

The Company feels that because of the number of wells being produced and the land being developed, we need to continue provided adequate water for surface irrigation.

The Board now calls for 5 shares of Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company stock, which will provide (1.5) acre feet total or (1) acre feet for Domestic use and irrigation (other options available such as stock, etc. depending on individual’s need), and (.5) acre feet or (1/3 .3333%) which will stay within the ditch in which the shares originated from.

Well Change Application Requirements!

At the November 9, 2020 Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company monthly Board meeting, the Board made and approved a motion to change requirements for an irrigation well or additional irrigation added to a well.

We now require a minimum of (3) three shares minimum for a “well irrigation only” change application, any supplementary water will be added in increments of (3) shares. Use will be 1/3 (one share) remains in ditch, 2/3 (two shares) used from well for irrigation. Any supplementary irrigation water added to a new change application for a home, will be added in increments of (3) shares after the (5) share minimum for a Domestic use listed above in the “Increase in shares required for a well”.

Thank You,  The Board of Beaver and Shingle Creek Irrigation Company